Friday, February 15, 2008

Irony of the Tragedy

Flowers during Valentine's Day are truly overpriced.
We laugh at the absurdity of it all.
We slag the day off for being a sales gimmick.
We condemn huge spending on the day.
We dismiss the V word with disgust, contempt and disdain.

But you know?

At the end of the day, we freaking give in.
Oh don't give me that - you know you did.
We all did.
We are suckers.


DodO^MontaGue- said...

flower tactics.
It really works!
trust me, qi.


King Qi said...

talk to the hand, dude. lol.

Kanga said...

who did u giv flowers to?

King Qi said...

jing: don kepo leh. =)

DodO^MontaGue- said...

who is jing?