Tuesday, February 5, 2008


春去春又来. 春来了.
Spring 也来了!

The Spring opened its doors to coincide with the Chinese New Year (aka 春节 for the bananas out there) shopping craze, and boy was it a masterstroke. Sure, The Spring may not be big compared to the other mega malls I have been in West Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, but it is easily the biggest in Kuching. The Spring redefines the meaning of "variety" by making a mockery of the choices available at previous shopping hotspots Ngiu Kee, Riverside Parkson and Tun Jugah.

Not one to miss out, I have lost count of the number of times I have been at The Spring. I guess you could say I am well and truly Sprung...

Yea, Sprung, definitely.

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