Wednesday, January 16, 2008



Been rather stressed lately with all the new things that are either happening or going to happen in my life. Been thinking heaps, about how the future is going to pan out; about whether I should be doing this or that bearing in mind the fact that I would be away for potentially a long, long time; about life, surprisingly; about family; about all the different obligations expected of me by the people around me; and about myself.

I like it when I am thinking.
I feel alive.

Friends around me will know I can get rather philosophical at times. I guess I am one who tries to read beyond what is on the surface... and occasionally that can be to my detriment. Behind every action of others I will seek an explanation. Behind every word I will decipher its underlying meaning.

Most of the time, I can use the "reality" concept to good effect.

I think everyone has their own reality. The world one lives in is one's reality. One's perceptions of the world through one's own lenses is one's reality. If one thinks money is hard to earn and money is evil, that is one's reality, and there is nothing anyone can do to change that reality.

When two humans interact, we see the coming-together of two realities. This is where it gets interesting. I love noticing the clashing of realities. To me, realities are what separate the financially rich from the poor, the elitists from the egalitarians, the powerful from the weak. There are different degrees to realities as well - some people's reality is stronger, and some is weaker. No two realities are the same from my observation. As such, if we put everyone's reality on a scale, we would end up with a hierarchy.

Let's have an example - a rather common one I think.
"A" and "B" have an argument over a fact (that is, something set in stone).
"A" says the movie is at 7.45pm.
"B" says the movie is at 8.45pm.

The conversation goes something like this:
"A": Movie is at 7:45pm.
"B": Nope, it's at 8:45pm, I checked.
"A": It's definitely at 7:45pm, you saw wrongly.
"B": Impossible, this morning I was reading the papers...
"A": You saw wrongly, mate... it's at 7:45pm.
"B": Really?
"A": Yes.
"B": Oh okay.

Bear in mind the fact that "A" and "B" are both convinced of the time. In this case, "A"'s reality is superior to that of "B"'s, even though he did not check the papers nor did he back his claim up with evidence. "B" read the papers, saw the time, but due to his weaker reality, "B" succumbs to "A"'s persuasion and confidence.

I am sure you have experienced this before. You argued with someone, but were convinced that you were wrong... and then after you have checked, you found yourself to be right, and the other party was wrong! Your reality, in that instance, was weaker.

One's "reality" is affected by a lot of things, but the main ones would be self-confidence, persuasion and the ability to express an idea exactly like what you have in mind. I think someone of an extremely high IQ but with a weak reality will do a lot worse than someone of an average IQ but with a strong reality. However, I think more often than not, smart people have strong realities... it makes sense really, because smart people are credited for being smart all their lives, and from that they know they are better than the average person. Having said that, when someone smart meets someone smart, there will be a "power struggle" yet again, with the person with the higher reality taking home the bacon at the end of the day.

I have a lot more to say about my perceptions of everyone's reality, and how I believe one can enhance one's reality, but this post is getting too long.

Next time, maybe.



DodO^MontaGue- said...

I think one shall hold on to his/her "reality" ONLY if, ONLY if he/she is sure about the truth.

In your case, B should stands firm for his concrete "reality".

Last, I think your post is only suitable for those who has weaker IQ and weaker reality to read, or do you agree smart people should have follow their "reality" despite the real truth ?

Dodo`s reality.

King Qi said...

Good that you are thinking, haha.

A few comments on your comment - B is not able to stand firm because B's reality is inferior to that of A's. Therefore, even though B's information is CORRECT, that information is only as good as B's reality, if you know what I mean. As such, if B's reality is inferior to A's, then B's information will depreciate in value in that regard as well.

About this post being suitable for people with weaker reality - I thoroughly agree! :) I wrote this post with such belief and confidence that most people would be swayed, and as such, I believe comparatively, my reality in this sense is stronger than many readers.

About "smart people following their reality despite the real truth", I think you are missing the point. Most of the time, the "real truth" is not known. Hence, the TRUTH is established within one's reality. Back to the example, even though A's information is false, he does not know that it is false. Because of that, his reality tells him it is right. He stood firm against B's reality... and won.

Qi's Reality

Ping said...

Each one's level of persistence depends on the level of achievement that person wants in life. As individual as everyone's realities are, so are priorities in life. Your reality is very much defined by your priorities.

Thus the differences in hierarchies. You either be the realist(in other words, a FRIEND) and back down (this automatically means compromise = simply settling for second best, and doesn't mind due to lower priority/reality on that specific matter).


that prick that knows/MAKES believe to him/herself and makes known to the world that his/her word is law, makes mistakes but continues with a defence or finds a way out of that hole dug by one's self...or humbly learns of course. But i doubt with such arrogance and persistence the humility is eventually seen as a weakness...hmm...

So i say, (career wise)it's almost impossible to be at the top with the moolah if you ever stopped being persistent, even when you're wrong. You definitely will be stepping on more than just toes on your way up.

lol... btw, there's no such thing as a too long post. But there is such a thing as a too long comment. am i going off topic here, driving practical in 15!

well done Qi!

P/S: of course i'm not going off topic! pfftt... just cause it's ping's reality!! so eat your heart out!

King Qi said...

Haha well done Ping, you seem to understand my post perfectly - ...and I thought it was deep. =)

You are right, persistence is the way to go high up. And to be persistent one needs an unshakable reality. But occasionally one needs to step back in order to move forward - the "two steps forward one step back" logic.


Good luck with your driving practical. You are going to fail. =) Of course, your reality is too strong for my "you are going to fail" comment!

Ping said...

you know.. those hands in the picture. try to figure out whether they are both male or both female hands or one of each. If one of each, which is the female's and which is the male's?

they both look like man hands to me. are you implying you're gay king qi? and...and! one man hand is smaller than the other, i if you were either one of those hands, you like older men or you're a paedophile :)


You're simply a tree hugger with retarded hands!


you are self obsessed...

I'm so insightful :D

btw, driving was of course great.

King Qi said...

Thanks for the very detailed analysis of the hands. I uhm, googled those hands.


King 1-0 Ping.

DodO^MontaGue- said...

tree fuxker.
egg tarted hands.